Friday, July 25, 2008


I'm babysitting my nephew, Trey, today. Olivia and Trey are seven months apart, but they are very close in size and love to play together. So I was really looking forward to this.

We successfully made it through the morning. Olivia usually takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, but she refused to sleep when Trey arrived. We got through lunch and then I put each of them down to nap. After some fussing, they fell asleep. And I was thinking I was doing pretty well with my management of two little ones.

However, Olivia has been waking every ten minutes or so and screaming since she fell asleep. I'm afraid she got overtired and now she's having a hard time settling down. This should make for a very interesting afternoon.


I shouldn't really complain. Trey's just about the easiest kid in the world to watch. He's very easygoing and tolerates Olivia's tackle moves.

Seriously, though, they do play well together. I caught them hugging or kissing each other several times this morning (although I could never reach my camera in time to catch it). They are both very sweet kids.

1 comment:

HereWeGoAJen said...

Aw, I bet it is so sweet to see the little hugs and kisses.