Monday, February 13, 2012

Call the Vatican...I think this classifies as a miracle

So, this weekend we went to my sister-in-law's wedding. It was one of those events you anticipate with excitement and dread at the same time...excitement because weddings are kind of fun, but dread because travel and hotel stay with a small child is never predictable and sometimes leads to sleep deprivation and meltdowns during key moments of the main event.

Travel up was rough - check. Sleep deprivation from Friday night - check. Olivia's behavior on Saturday...downright angelic. I can't account for this result by looking to any sources within nature. This had to be super-natural.

Three hours of photos, y'all. BEFORE the ceremony. Olivia had to pose for exactly two of those, but she (and we) had to sit around for the whole three hours. And aside from a few antics, she was mostly adorable. So adorable, in fact, that the photographers kept turning the cameras on her for a few candid shots. Like this.

So Olivia, your challenge is to sit for three hours and THEN behave through a wedding Mass, at which you are by far the youngest child and the only one likely to cause a distraction. Challenge accepted. She behaved beautifully throughout Mass, drawing pictures of the happy couple on her ever-present notepad.

Party time! She probably drove these girls crazy from following them around. (They were the only other young kids, and they were IN the wedding.) But she was having a FABULOUS time. She even sat nicely throughout 80% of the meal. And ATE. Something BESIDES wedding cake!

Then it was time to get her dance face on. This kid is serious about her dancing. And while we fully expected to drag her out kicking and screaming from exhaustion about halfway through the reception, she proved her staying power and closed down the party.

We are all a little exhausted today, but we had a fun weekend. Congrats to Aunt Paula and Uncle Frank!

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