Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Posting is not high priority in these parts. Can you tell? I spend most of my posting time washing bottles and burp rags. Life with a baby.

Quick update. Olivia got her cast. It is a "wet cast", and can, therefore, go in the tub and the pool. Also, she has pulled the gauze out and tucked it back in about a billion times. Her arm is going to be one big bruise or callous when this whole thing is over.
Still, she rocks the cast. Hates it, but doesn't let it slow her down...much.

Also, Marty is smiling. Unfortunately, he has also learned to turn it off as soon as I grab the camera. But I did manage to get one great smile photo. Don't you just LOVE the dimple? Melt my heart!

I have decided that his grumpiness comes from either overstimulation, deviation from his schedule or his current cold. Ditto for spit-up. Because it is not consistent. He is occasionally grumpy and spits up badly only when he seems very congested. So I'm going with that theory until something else presents itself. Other than a really bad afternoon on Labor Day, he has been happy about 95% of the day. I don't know how I can top that, really.

1 comment:

All in His Perfect Timing said...

I hear ya on posting. Its easier to read others' posts than write my own. :-) Got to get in gear.
I'm so glad M is such a happy baby and I LOVE the dimple!
I like O's cast - such a cool color! Glad she is rockin' it! :-)