Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Still waiting...

Well, baby boy was causing more than his fair share of problems for birthmom last week, and every day looked like it could be "the day". She was having painful contractions. She was starting to dilate. She was feeling awful.

And then it just stopped. And nothing is happening.

So, I don't know what to make of last week, but I'm thinking maybe it was the heat. We've been in the midst of a heat wave that had us in triple digits nearly every single day. And on Saturday afternoon, the heat wave finally broke. Today is a high of 95 (AND low humidity!). Downright chilly, after last week.

So maybe it was the heat. But I'm a nullipara, so I really don't know. All I know is baby boy is perfectly comfortable staying where he is for now and we all continue to wait.

So far, every day this week I've had stuff that was previously planned in order to get it done before baby. Monday was Olivia's school physical. Yesterday was office clean-up. Today is Olivia's dentist. I was also scheduled to work this afternoon and the weekend. Then my summer job supervisor covered those shifts so that I could "focus on baby", which was very nice of her. But after today, I have NOTHING on the calendar for weeks. Nothing. This was, of course, on purpose because of baby. But the longer baby waits to arrive, the longer I sit here driving myself crazy with free time.

I do realize that exactly two days after bringing baby home, I'm going to wish for some of that free time just to nap. Yes, I do realize that. But the uncertainty of waiting is still hard.

1 comment:

Carol Sue said...

So happy for you and your family. Can't wait to hear about the arrival.