Monday, February 8, 2010

I take it back. February is JUST as dull.

Last month I posted that January was the dullest month of the year. But now I've decided that it's a tie. February is at least as dull. I was thinking that it was a step above January because it has Valentine's Day and groundhog day and a couple of presidentially-inspired holidays. But now I realize that just throwing a few largely-ignored holidays and a bunch of sappy red hearts into a month do not make it interesting.

I don't know. I think I just have a REALLY bad case of cabin fever. Or maybe I'm seasonally affected. I hate these months that are cold, cold, cold and always dark. There is occasionally time to do something in the evening after the babysitting is over, but it's so depressingly dark that it's hard to get the motivation. And this year, mother nature has handed us more than our fair share of snow and wet, dreary days, and I'm saying ENOUGH ALREADY. Can we please proceed to Spring now?

I'm the type of person who needs something to look forward to. Having fun plans for a weekend will make my week SO much easier to handle. And there's precious little in the "fun" category to look forward to in February.

March, on the other March we have Spring Break. There is a whole week where all three of my babysitting charges are "off" (a benefit of babysitting only kids whose parents are teachers). I'm disproportionately excited about that week. We don't even have any real plans yet. But there is SO. MUCH. POSSIBILITY! Plus, once we hit March we are on the downhill slide toward warmer weather.

Until then, I'm trying to keep myself busy with the exercise challenge and a lot of books. I've gone through three library books in the past week. I'm on my fourth. If I didn't have my books, I'd be on the internet all the time searching for warm vacation destinations that we can't afford and driving myself crazy. It's escapism, I know, but it's cheap escapism and it gets me through the week.

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