Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Deadline

You may recall that in early January we started a homestudy, which means we spent ten days gathering paperwork and sending away for things like references and fingerprints. The social worker said she'd call to schedule our home visit as soon as the paperwork was complete and the fingerprints were back.

The social worker called yesterday, and we are scheduled for our home visit next week. It will be a short visit since this is a homestudy update and she already has enough documentation on us to write a book about our lives. All she really needs to do is make sure we don't live in a rusty shack and that we have things like fire extinguishers and high shelves to store the cleaning supplies away from small hands. (As if that matters...Olivia is THIS CLOSE to figuring out how to literally climb the walls. I'm kidding, but not by much.)

The home visit will be followed quickly by a completed report, which is followed by "activation", which could theoretically be followed quickly by placement of a wee tiny infant in our home.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not under the illusion that everyone (or anyone for that matter) gets a placement immediately, and it is entirely possible that we could still be waiting many months from now. However, I know that it is POSSIBLE that placement could happen relatively quickly. And I also know that BABY = DISAPPEARANCE OF FREE TIME = NO TIME TO ORGANIZE MY HOUSE = MUST COMPLETE OFFICE-TO-NURSERY CONVERSION NOW.

I guess you could say I'm nesting.

Now that we have an appointment for a home visit, I have made that day my mental "deadline" for organizing THAT ROOM. Wish me luck. It's a big project to undertake.


Lizzie said...

Ooooh. Big plans. It'll feel so good to have that room ready, though! Good luck - I wish we were closer and I would say I'll entertain Olivia while you organize!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Oh hooray! I am so excited! You are getting so close!