Monday, June 1, 2009

Fifteen Minutes

Since Olivia hasn't had a decent nap in at least five days, I'm hoping for great things today. It is the first time in almost a week that we've been home and she can nap in her bed. Perhaps 3 hours? Dare I dream?

I'm taking a cue from Jen. I'm going to plan to write for 15 minutes each day. I'm hoping that this will help me be disciplined enough to write while not getting bogged down on what to write so that I don't waste all of naptime at the computer when there are things to do.

And let me tell you, there are things to do.

My dear, sweet husband took Olivia "to town" yesterday to visit Grammy and Grampy and get some shopping himself. This afforded me four hours to get started on the Great Nursery Clean-Up Project of 2009. That is, I am working on making this room look like a baby might someday live here...instead of looking like it is a storage unit with a nice window.

Yeah, I's a fuzzy picture with bad lighting and you can't even see how badly messed up this room is. You don't think that's intentional? It's embarrassing how bad it has become.

I made great strides yesterday, but I won't take another picture until I'm finished. I'm in the process of transferring most of our books to a new bookcase/entertainment center that we bought at a church social. It is secondhand and totally outdated (it has racks and racks of videotape storage...they don't make them like that anymore), but it is beautiful and in great shape, and it looks super fabulous in our living room. It has the added benefit of allowing me to store all of our tapes and DVDs as well as most of our books and albums behind doors and away from toddler hands.

So, once all of that stuff is out of the baby's room, I will rearrange and make it a workable baby's room. Lots to do, but I'm making progress.

We were super busy this weekend filling Olivia's play yard with pea gravel. That part is finished (and she loves it), and I'll post a pic as soon as we get the sand box in. A project for next weekend.

Geez, you'd think all we do around here is tackle big projects. I think we need a vacation.

And there's the timer. More tomorrow!

1 comment:

HereWeGoAJen said...

I was thinking that you tackle a lot of big projects! I'm impressed.